From My Closet - The Better Dresses Vintage Blog

Women tufting chenille quilts. North Georgia, 1930s.

All About Chenille - a Book Review and a Handbag Upgrade

... enterprising depression-era women hand-tufted cotton bedspreads on their front porches, enlisting friends and neighbors to share the labor and reap the profits ...
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Retail Therapy (It's "Nothing New")

Retail Therapy (It's "Nothing New")

... like most people, I enjoy a cute, affordable, new thing, whether I "need" it or not...
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In a Box, With Tissue Paper

In a Box, With Tissue Paper

... I've been buying both reproduction and original antique garments and accessories. Not for collecting. I intend to wear and use them ...
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It's Vintage, Dahling - an Interview With Carmen

It's Vintage, Dahling - an Interview With Carmen

... if they just go with their heart's desire, instead of what is dictated by the fashion tyrants, their confidence will soar to great new heights ...
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I Can't Find a Thing That Ain't Got That Bling

I Can't Find a Thing That Ain't Got That Bling

... As usual, what I wanted and what everyone else wanted were worlds apart ...
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Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah! Replacing a Vintage Zipper

Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah! Replacing a Vintage Zipper

... hadn't I read somewhere how to fix this exact problem? Ah! a challenge ...
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Handbags To Die For

Handbags To Die For

... Perusing the aisles, a black tote-style bag with a large bow caught my eye from the far back of a lower hook. I wrestled it out for a closer inspection ...
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What's in a Name?

What's in a Name?

... Would you still like that same item if it didn't have that particular label? What if it didn't cost as much? What if a celebrity weren't wearing or driving or using it? ...
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The Empress's New Clothes

The Empress's New Clothes

... What was it, exactly, about this particular magazine that just bugged the heck out of me? ...
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One of My Favorite Places

One of My Favorite Places

... It's been a long love affair, mostly unrequited ...
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